Divine Intervention

Invoking Divine Intervention

The scriptures are replete with references to the many benefits gained by honoring a specific manifestation of the Divine and repeatedly mention the cessation or neutralization of negative astrological influences.  In the larger scheme of things, the Vedic tradition explains that the grahas are merely extensions or expressions of the Divine. 

Parashara explained that Vishnu incarnated as the grahas (panets) to bestow on living beings the results of their karmas. Another way to look at this is to see Lord Shiva as the father and the planets (and all of creation, including people!) as all His children.  Mother Divine’s relationship with creation is that of a mother to all her children.  If a child is mischievous or out of balance, the most effective remedy is to appeal to the all-powerful parent for a remedy.

Powerful and influential as the planets may be, ultimately they are “subordinate” to their Creator, just as the fingers and toes are subordinate to the Self.  Again, the choice of which Maha Deva or Maha Devi to honor is a personal matter. 

Procedures for directly offering devotion to, and thereby gaining the blessings from, the Divine in its many manifestations include traditional Vedic ceremonies (pujas, homas, yagyas) and personal worship, fasts and pilgrimages. 

There are hundreds of specific ceremonies and procedures for invoking different manifestations of the Divine, each valid and valuable depending on the natural tendency of the individual.  Some people are attracted to Mother Divine in her manifestation as MahaLakshmi, where others are attracted to Saraswati Devi or to Durga.  Others are more comfortable with Ganesha (sometimes called by the name “GrahaPati” or “Ruler of the planets”) Lord Vishnu or his avatars Lord Rama or Lord Krishna, or Lord Shiva.  Each tradition is fond of identifying its favored Deity as the Supreme, and the infinite flexibility of the Vedic Tradition views these views not as contradictory, but as complementary.

Shiva Mahadeva: 
There is a strong traditional understanding that worship of Lord Shiva is considered very effective in restoring balance in the face of all sorts of negative karmic influences.  Recitation (or listening to the recitation) of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is often mentioned as highly effective in balancing ill effects from the planets, especially Shani. The recommended minimum number of repetitions is 108, which should take around 20-30 minutes, and can be done aloud or silently.  A mala (rosary) with 108 beads can be used for counting, or you may calculate how many recitations you do in a minute, and then determine the total time needed to recite the mantra 108 times. Traditionally, one bathes or washes before reciting this mantra.

During the NavaGraha Yagya Pandit Sharma will teach participants the correct prononciation of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra.

A much simpler mantra is also considered to be very powerful for gaining the blessings of Lord Shiva:
Om Namah Shivaya.

Durga as Mother Divine: 
There is also a very strong tradition of appealing to Mother Divine as Durga, especially during the Nine Nights of Mother Divine, by participating in Chandi Yagya or Durga Puja.  Listening to Durga Saptashati (also called Devi Mahatmyam or Chandi Path) which is recited during Chandi Yagya is considered to have a powerful purifying influence that neutralizes negative astrological influences. 

Every Spring and Autumn Pandit Sharma conducts a full-day Durga Puja and Chandi Homa during Navaratri -- the Nine Nights of Mother Divine. Please send your email address to us at yagya "at" somastream "dot" net to be kept informed of the dates of these yagyas.

Other Yagyas to Gain Blessings of the Divine
Vedic Yagya is the highly developed science of contacting the celestial field of life. The ancient Rishis cognized specific procedures for gaining blessings from different manifestations of the Divine who create and administer the universe.

These Pujas (ceremonies) or Homas (fire ceremonies) may be performed at almost any time, although certain times may be considered much more auspicious. They generally last between one and one-half to two and one-half hours, although some Homa fire ceremonies may last as long as six hours or more. These include:

A Puja to Ganesh is often performed at the outset of any important endeavor, including the start of new businesses, or to remove obstacles to success and evolution, to gain support of Nature for finding a life partner, for improving harmony in married life or for having children. A longer Homa can also be performed. (Ganesh is also invoked at the beginning of any Yagya, as Ganesh is considered to be the Lord of the Celestial Hosts, and his blessings are necessary for the success of the Yagya.)

This is one of the most popular Yagyas for householders, for it honors MahaLaksmi, the manisfestation of Mother Divine responsible for creating and maintaining affluence in all spheres of life, inner and outer.
Fullness and bliss are two qualities intimately associated with MahaLaksmi, and participants in Pujas or Homas to MahaLaksmi often report a distinct increase in sweetness of consciousness as well as enhanced support of Nature. This Yagya is frequently performed for increasing both material abundance and richness of spiritual life. It is often performed when starting a new business, when making important financial investments, or for improving harmony with business partners.

Durga Puja
To gain the grace of Mother Divine and receive Her blessings to remove ignorance, provide protection from adversity and eliminate suffering on an individual and cosmic level. Durga Pujas can be of various lengths, from two hours to six hours or more, and may be performed on a single day, or on consecutive days. The recitation of selections from the Durga Saptashati, a collection of beautiful hymns to Mother Divine, is an especially enjoyable part of this Puja.

Chandi Homa
This is a more elaborate Yayga that is understood to have powerful effects on the cosmic, global and individual levels. It is traditionally performed to alleviate the adverse affects of the planets, liberate man from all troubles, restore friendships, gain blessings of wealth and beautiful children, and to overcome enemies and evil planetary influences. Performance of the Chandi Homa includes Puja two to three hours long and a Homa (fire ceremony) that lasts approximately fours hours. It includes the recitation of all 700 verses of Durga Saptashati, a collection of beautiful hymns to Mother Divine.

This special puja to Siva includes a ritual bath (Abhishek) of the Siva Lingam, followed by the recitation of the 200 verses of Rudra from Yajur Veda. The purpose is to gain support for spiritual endeavors and to alleviate suffering, both individually and for the entire creation. Yagyas to Siva also help to remove ignorance, prevent disease and promote rapid recovery from serious disease.

Mahamrityunjaya Homa
This special fire ceremony to Siva is for ensuring a long and healthy life and help bring an end to prolonged or severe sickness, as well as for many other purposes. It is also traditionally recommended to relieve the malefic influence of Mangal (Mars) or Shani (Saturn) when certain astrological combinations are present in the Jyotish chart.

Saraswati is the embodiment of Mother Divine that is responsible for the enlivenment and spread of Pure Knowledge, as well as progress in areas of study and of the arts. By honoring Saraswati, the qualities of wisdom, intelligence and good memory are enhanced in the individual and the environment. Yagyas for Saraswati help gain blessings and support of Mother Divine in the areas of spiritual study, other educational activities, or in the arts, including writing, public speaking, visual arts and music. These Yagyas are often performed prior to starting studies.

Vishnu is the Maintainer of the universe and is responsible for ensuring evolution and harmony in life. From time to time, Vishnu incarnates in an avatar such as Rama or Krishna to restore balance to the universe after a build-up of negativity has occurred. Yagyas for Vishnu help gain general support of nature and smooth family life.

Mitravrinda Yagya
This Yagya is performed to relieve tensions and improve relations between husband and wife and to ensure the growth of harmony, love and happiness in married life.

This Yagya is traditionally considered to have special power in helping to gain success in court cases, or to defeat business enemies or competitors, and to provide a strong support of nature for fulfillment of desire.

Krishna, Rama, Hanuman & Other Devas
According to the Vedic Tradition, there are literally thousands of Devas or expressions of the Divine that are responsible for progress in virtually every specific area of life. There are also certain days during the month or the year when particular qualities of the Divinities listed above are most lively and Yagyas are most effective.

Please consult with Pandit Sharma if you have a particular need or desire, and he can advise you which Puja or Homa may be appropriate, and on which date.

To schedule a Yagya, or if you have questions, please contact Pandit Sharma by telephone.

To schedule a Traditional Vedic Yagya, or for information on appropriate timing and muhurtha selection, as well as details on procedures, ingredients or fees, contact Pandit Sharma at:
1-630-240 3368
e-mail: vedicyagya@hotmail.com