Karma, Moksha & Yagyas

A perspective on karma, astrological influences and moksha

Traditionally, spiritual practices are understood to have the side-effect of “burning the seeds of karma” in the fire of consciousness, knowledge or devotion, (or all three!) depending on the nature of the practice.  Moksha (liberation) results when one’s Self is realized as the source of all, and yet independent from the ever-changing field of karma (action).  In an even more mature state of enlightenment, everything from one’s own body to the sun, moon and stars is seen as a dynamic expression of one’s Self.  In fact, this perspective is the most helpful (and ultimately most truthful!) way to look at all karmic influences. 

The astrological influences (planets, nakshatras, houses, and their complex interrelationships) are simply karmic influences, and their karmic effects can be “roasted in the fire of consciousness, knowledge or devotion” just as any other karma may be.

For this reason, devoted practice of a spiritual technique or path is the most powerful technology for gaining blessings of the Divine and the support of all the laws of nature that guide activity, thereby neutralizing karmic influences (including astrological influences). 

The study of Jyotish provides a means to analyze these karmic forces, diagnose their influence on an individual, predict trends of future influence and offer a means to modulate or diffuse the influences. In addition to regular practice of a technique for spiritual development, there are other methods for improving one’s support of nature and neutralizing negative karmic influences (including astrological influences).  This is the realm of “Graha Shanti Upaya” which is devoted to providing methods of modifying these karmic influences.

Graha Shanti Upaya

The area of “Graha Shanti Upaya” is as vast as the unfathomable field of karma itself.  There are literally thousands of procedures that are outlined in Vedic texts or that have been passed on in an oral tradition across countless generations of Vedic Pandits. 

The purpose of any upaya (“method” or “remedy”) is to restore unity and balance in the life of the individual, including his relationship with all parts of himself, from his body to the entire universe.  Ultimately, moksha (liberation or enlightenment) is the only complete upaya.

True upayas are those activities that restore balance, wholeness and unity.  Any practice or system that cultivates and strengthens wholeness leads to relief from fear and suffering, and any practice or system that in itself creates fear or duality will not be successful in restoring wholeness.
For the sake of convenience, we can group the various upayas in three different categories:

1.  Practices or techniques for expanding consciousness, gaining deeper knowledge of the true nature of life, or increasing ones devotion to the Divine, as discussed above. The choice of an appropriate technique is an individual matter and the only recommendation is that you should feel very comfortable with the technique or practice, it should result in more balance and wholeness in your life, and it should not cause strain or unnaturalness. 

2. Procedures for directly offering devotion to, and thereby gaining the blessings from the Divine in its many manifestations. 

3. Procedures for directly propitiating a graha or other astrological influence.   

These procedures can take the form of traditional ceremonies or individual practices:
A.     Vedic Yagyas and Pujas for Graha Shanti, Nakshatra Shanti and other jyotish-related ceremonies. 

B.  Personal practices, including Daana (charitable acts), fasts, wearing gems and mantra japa.